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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Pregnancy - Enjoying Your Third Trimester.(information about pregnancy)

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The third trimester is the last stage of your pregnancy. This begins at the 28th week and lasts until you give birth to your most-awaited baby. As an expectant mother, the growing excitement and anticipation that you feel would be very apparent because after all, your pregnancy journey is about to end. You would even wish for the time to pass quickly so that you can already see and touch your new baby. However, before your due date, you are likely to experience third trimester discomforts which could be more difficult than the discomforts you experienced during the first and second trimesters. Here are some of the discomforts that you can expect and their possible solutions to help you find relief:

Shortness of Breath

You may experience shortness of breath in late pregnancy because the diaphragm is being pushed up out of its normal place by your expanding uterus. This broad muscle under the lungs rises about 4 centimeters from its original position during the third trimester. You may think that this only makes a small difference, but this is enough to reduce the amount of air that your lungs are able to accommodate. Although your baby is not affected by this, you still need to find relief from this discomfort.

One effective solution is to improve your posture. You can do this by standing or sitting with your back straight and your shoulders back. Take note that a good posture is not only beneficial during pregnancy but also after giving birth. Another solution is to do some aerobic exercises which are recommended for pregnant women. These exercises can help improve breathing and lower your pulse rate. And lastly, you can avoid shortness of breath by lying on your side or propped up on pillows when you sleep. This will reduce the pressure on your diaphragm.
Sleeping Problem

During the third trimester of pregnancy, you will feel more restless, thus you will find it difficult to sleep. A lot of factors can cause this sleeping discomfort such as the increasing size of your abdomen, anxiety or natural anticipation, and frequent urination at night and early morning. Although this sleeping problem can be quite troublesome for you, there is no need for you to worry about it harming the baby inside you.

As a solution, you can change your sleeping position. If you are used to lying on your back, you might as well lie on your side while sleeping because this will take the pressure off the large vein which carries blood from your feet and legs back to the heart. You can also try using a pillow to support your growing abdomen and another one to support your upper leg. Leaning against a rolled-up blanket or bunched-up pillow can also help reduce the pressure off the hip which you are lying on. If these solutions are not enough, do the relaxation exercises that you learned in your childbirth classes. These exercises can help you get a proper sleep and calm your mind to cope with anxiety well.


If you notice firm, swollen pouches which are formed underneath the mucous membranes outside or inside the rectum, there is no need to worry because these hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy. If it is your first pregnancy, you might not be aware that you have them until you felt itching and pain in and around your anus. But if you were pregnant before and knew that you have them, you can do something to prevent these hemorrhoids from making you feel uncomfortable.

One preventive measure is by avoiding constipation. You should eat foods, vegetables, and fruits which are rich in fiber. You should also drink the adequate amount of fluid so that you will not strain during bowel movement. And if you are already experiencing the discomfort brought by these hemorrhoids, you can try these solutions:

o Try warm soaks. These are effective at providing soothing relief by allowing the hemorrhoids to shrink.

o Keep the area around your anus clean. Make sure that you wash that area after every bowel movement.

o Apply a cold compress. This can also help shrink hemorrhoids.

Shortness of breath, sleeping problem, and hemorrhoids are the common third trimester discomforts during pregnancy. But aside from these, you can also experience other minor discomforts such as hip pain, vaginal pain, itchy abdomen, varicose veins, stretch marks, and leaking urine. These discomforts are normal in the late pregnancy, so there is no need for you to worry. And besides, if you experience them, there are solutions to give you relief.

-information about pregnancy-


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pregnancy after Miscarriage – Learning to Cope.(information about pregnancy)

information about pregnancy

When a pregnancy, thought to be normal suddenly ends, the results for the expectant parents are utterly devastating and pregnancy after miscarriage is surrounded with a great deal of anxiety and fear.

If you are thinking about becoming pregnant after miscarriage, here are simple tips that will help.

Pregnancy after Miscarriage

A miscarriage can be an extremely frightening and sad experience and for many considering pregnancy after miscarriage, there is a much uncertainty as to whether a subsequent pregnancy will end in the same way.

What causes Miscarriage?

The causes of miscarriage are still somewhat unclear particularly when miscarriage occurs in the first trimester, as most miscarriages do.

As many as 50% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, often before a woman even realises she is pregnant. Most of these miscarriages occur when a pregnancy is not developing normally, and usually there is nothing that can be done to prevent it.

A small percentage of women will experience repeat miscarriages, and in some cases there can be an underlying problem that may require treatment. Most women go on to have a successful pregnancy after miscarriage.

How long should I wait after miscarriage before trying to become pregnant again?

Pregnancy after miscarriage can be an emotional rollercoaster.

A woman may experience sadness, numbness, guilt, depression and anger. You and your partner may deal with grief in different ways, creating tension between you both at a time when you need each other most.

It is important to grieve. Talking through your emotions with someone trained to help, such as a bereavement counselor or someone experienced in dealing with pregnancy loss, would be enormously beneficial, prior to considering pregnancy after miscarriage.

Deciding when to try again is a decision only you as a couple can make. There may be a temptation to be pregnant again immediately, in an attempt to deal with the heartache of your loss, but you should wait until you are physically and emotionally ready.

The changes that pregnancy itself causes, can put a woman and her body under additional physical and emotional stress, therefore pregnancy after miscarriage is going to be even more so.

If a woman's body isn't ready to support a pregnancy by the time that she conceives again, she faces an increased risk of experiencing a repeat miscarriage.

There is no perfect time, but many health professionals suggest a period of at least a few months to strengthen the chance of a healthy pregnancy.

How might we expect to feel during the next pregnancy?

Pregnancy after miscarriage may not be the joyful experience you may have imagined and you may find it difficult connecting to your unborn baby for fear of further loss.

It is important to remember that however you may feel now, you will want to look back, remember and cherish the milestones, whatever the outcome.

Pregnancy after Miscarriage - Remaining Positive

o Discuss any fears or concerns you have with your healthcare provider

o Insist that your pregnancy be monitored carefully

o As with your previous pregnancy, everybody will suddenly become an expert! The easiest way to handle their suggestions is to listen, and then do whatever you, your partner, and medical team feel is best

o You may want to avoid early preparation for the baby's arrival, but try to keep things in perspective.

Pregnancy after Miscarriage - Looking after yourself

o Form a good support network

o Try to ensure your pregnancy is as stress free as possible

o Set aside some time every day to practise relaxation

o Visualize what you want and how you would like your pregnancy to go

Use a child preparation CD

There are a number of good childbirth preparation CDs available that can help you with this. These CDs can focus you mind to become less stressed and more relaxed so you can face your pregnancy in the best state of mind.

Becoming pregnant after miscarriage won't replace the lost pregnancy but may help you by refocusing your attention.

Remember that maternal emotions can affect your unborn baby and so it will be more beneficial for you and your baby if you try to adopt a positive outlook.

information about pregnancy


Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs.(information about pregnancy)

information about pregnancy

How can you tell if you are pregnant? There are a number of signs and symptoms to watch for. Chances are you will only experience a portion of the symptoms. Each pregnancy is different, and the same mom to be can experience different pregnancy signs each time she gets pregnant.

Pregnancy symptoms can begin for some mothers immediately after conception. Some pregnancy signs require that you chart your cycle, noting your daily basal body temperature.


While a rare minority will experience pregnancy symptoms sooner, typically the first pregnancy signs occur when your baby implants around 8-10 days after ovulation. Implantation causes an increase in progesterone levels, which can lead to higher temperatures giving you a tri-phasic chart. If you temperature remains high for fifteen or more days after ovulation, you may be pregnant. Some women will see a slight temperature drop at implantation. Implantation bleeding sometimes occurs and can be pink, red, or brown in color. You may also have lower abdominal cramps.

Positive Pregnancy Test

The next and best sign that you are pregnant is a positive pregnancy test. Home pregnancy tests measure the pregnancy hormone hCG in your urine. The most sensitive home pregnancy tests will show a positive result when the hCG levels reach 20, which can happen as early as four days before your period is due, or approximately 10 days after ovulation.

False negatives are common when testing early with a home pregnancy test, so I recommend you wait to use one until eighteen days after ovulation to avoid false negatives. The usual recommendation is to wait until 14 days after ovulation before testing. Blood serum pregnancy tests performed by your doctor are much more sensitive. They can detect hCG levels as low as five. If you continue to experience pregnancy symptoms, but your home pregnancy test continues to show negative, you can make an appointment with your doctor to confirm your pregnancy.

Missed Period

One of the most common pregnancy signs is a missed period. For women with a standard 28-day cycle, their period is late if it has not arrived fifteen days after ovulation, or twenty-nine days after the first day of their cycle. Elevated basal body temperatures for 15 or more days will typically accompany the missed period.

Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is a very common early symptom of pregnancy. You may find yourself unable to be away from a bathroom for more than hour at a time, or waking up in the middle of the night to urinate.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness can begin as early as 2 to 4 weeks after conception. The term morning sickness is something of a misnomer, as you can experience the nausea and vomiting throughout the day. Morning sickness typically is worst during the first trimester, and most pregnant women will have their morning sickness symptoms lessen or subside completely during the second or third trimester.

Breast Changes

Breast tenderness usually begins around 3 to 4 weeks after conception. This can also be a sign of your impending period. Usually the degree of breast tenderness is much stronger with pregnancy than with your period. You may also notice a slight tingling sensation.

Another change to your breasts early in pregnancy is the appearance. Your areolas can become larger and darker.


Fatigue can be an early sign of pregnancy. This symptom is not just being a little tired; it is more like feeling totally wiped out. Your normal daily activities can send you to complete exhaustion.

Body Discomforts

The physical and hormonal changes you experience with pregnancy can cause a long list of body changes that are annoying and uncomfortable. You may experience headaches, backaches, acne, constipation, heartburn, mood swings, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, indigestion, and abdominal cramps.

Food Cravings

Food cravings are a very common pregnancy symptom. Approximately 85% of women will experience some type of food craving during their pregnancy.

Food Aversions

The other side of food cravings is food aversions. They are also a very common sign of early pregnancy. You may find that a favorite food suddenly makes you feel nauseated just thinking about it.

Smell Aversions

A heightened sense of smell may cause some odors to seem stronger than normal when you are pregnant. Some smell aversions can cause food aversions.

Baby Movement

You can feel your baby moving as early as 16 weeks, but for first-time mothers may not feel the baby moving until 20 weeks or more.


For some women, they just "feel" pregnant, even though they have had no other signs or symptoms. A mother's intuition is frequently accurate.

It is possible to experience some of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy, yet still not be pregnant. It is important that both you and your baby get under a doctor's care as early as possible. If you think you might be pregnant, treat your body as if you are pregnant until you know for sure. Take a home pregnancy test if you miss your period. If the test shows positive, then you are pregnant. Congratulations!

information about pregnancy


Weight Gain During Pregnancy, and Weight Loss After Pregnancy.(information about pregnancy)

information about pregnancy

How much weight gain is normal during pregnancy, and will you continue to have weight gain after pregnancy?

How will the link between pregnancy and metabolism affect how you'll be losing weight after pregnancy?

Understand what causes excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and...

You won't have any problems with excessive weight gain while you've been pregnant.

Will you get fat by having children?

Whether you'll have weight gain during and after pregnancy is a choice, because it's totally within your control once you understand what's really going on, however...

Most women do have weight problems because of bearing children, and the reason is simply malnutrition. Strange but True!

The first thing you have to understand about pregnancy, is that the baby comes first. That's a "Survival Issue". Once you get pregnant, everything is geared for the survival and health of the baby.

If it wasn't that way, we would not have survived as a Species!

What does the Baby Need?

In order to grow properly and be born healthy the baby is going to need lots of Nutrients, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, etc...

If you provide these nutrients in order to grow a Healthy Baby, no problems, but if you don't...

The baby will take what it needs from the mother's body, and if that happens, you're going to have "Two Problems":

1. You're going to be hungry all the time if you don't provide the baby with what Nutrients it needs, so you're going to overeat and have much more weight gain during pregnancy than you need to.

2. The baby is going to extract whatever Nutrients it can from your body, which is going to do a real number on your metabolism.

Now you have Two Problems!

First of all, you're going to have excessive weight gain during pregnancy, which means that instead of gaining the normal 25 to 30 Lbs, you could gain up to 50 Lbs or more, and...

The extra weight, is weight which will be very hard to get rid of after pregnancy, because...

Secondly, your body has been drained of stored nutrients, which means that now, you probably have a slow metabolism, so instead of easily losing the weight after pregnancy...

You'll probably continue to have weight gain after pregnancy also.

Heaven forbid if you get pregnant again.

The answer is very simple!

Just eat only healthy food so that you provide all the nutrients which your baby needs and you'll have no problems.

You need to have good variety in your diet, and just get the healthiest food that you can buy. That's a Win-Win situation, for both you and your baby, otherwise you both suffer, because...

Your baby could be unhealthy, and you could get fat for the rest of your life, or at least have a real hard time getting rid of the excess fat.

What's Normal Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

In a normal pregnancy, you should have a weight gain during pregnancy of about 25 to 30 Lbs or a little more depending on the situation.

Lets say that you give birth to a baby that's about 7 to 8 Lbs. Increased blood volume can be another 3 to 4 Lbs, and increased fluid volume can be another 2 to 3 Lbs.

Then the Amniotic fluid and a larger uterus can add an extra couple of Lbs each, plus larger breasts can weigh an extra 1 to 3 Lbs and the Placenta can weigh 1 to 2 Lbs.

On top of that, your body could store away anywhere from 6 to 8 Lbs of fat. (That's a survival feature in case of famine).

Add it all up and you could have a weight gain during pregnancy of anywhere from 24 to 32 Lbs, but that's nothing to fear, because very little of that is fat, and...

If you nourish both you and the baby during pregnancy, then your metabolism will remain normal, and you'll have no problems with weight loss after pregnancy.

What's Healthy Eating During Pregnancy?

This subject could cover many Volumes all by itself, but to keep it simple...

Eating healthy during pregnancy is no different than when you're not pregnant, lots of fresh fruits and vegetables (organic if possible), and stay off the "Junk Foods".

It's not Rocket Science!

Go easy on the meats, and especially stay away from the cultured meats because most of them contain lots of Sulfites and Nitrites as preservatives and these are very unhealthy for adults let alone your baby.

Read the ingredients in all processed foods for these preservatives also, because they are very pervasive.

Take Top Quality Supplements

Since most of the foods available in the supermarkets today, are very deficient in nutrients, it's important to take top quality supplements which your body can absorb.


Only about 3 to 5% of most Vitamin and Mineral Supplements available on the market today are absorbed by the body and are a total waste of money.

The same Super Supplements which we recommend to our weight loss students are great for when you're pregnant, because these are not weight loss products, but general Supplements, which...

Help people to become more nutritionally satisfied. If you're more nutritionally satisfied, you'll eat less automatically, and that's why people lose weight while becoming healthier.

By giving better nutrition to you and your baby, you won't have nearly as many cravings, and you'll eat a lot less junk. This way, not only is it better for your baby, but you won't have so much excess weight gain during pregnancy.

Don't Diet Whatsoever

We don't recommend dieting whatsoever, even for weight loss, but it's especially important that you don't go on a diet to try and prevent weight gain during pregnancy, because...

Your baby needs all the nutrients it can get in order to develop a healthy body.

Even if you're overweight, when you're pregnant is not the time to try to lose weight. Losing weight after pregnancy is the best.

Eating healthy and taking top quality supplements during pregnancy will help to keep your metabolism normal so that you won't have abnormal weight gain while pregnant.

Register for the Slim America Project!

Even if weight loss is not an issue for you right now, do register for the Slim America Project, because you'll learn how to eat healthier, what supplements to take, and just as important...

How to have your baby, without excess weight gain during pregnancy. That way, you won't have a problem with weight loss after pregnancy.

Your baby deserves the very best that you can give it, and you are the only one that is in total control of its Future Life.

Armand Dupuis is a Personal Trainer, Lecturer, Teacher, & Permanent Weight Loss Specialist, who has been a Serious Researcher into Human Consciousness for 5 Decades.

information about pregnancy
