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Friday, June 4, 2010

Getting Pregnant - Getting Pregnant While on Birth Control.(information about pregnancy)

information about pregnancy

For millions of women, the decision to try to get pregnant happens quickly. You spend most of your life trying not to get pregnant, then all of a sudden something changes, and you need to shift gears quickly. You want to get started right away, not only because the sooner you start, the sooner it happens, but also so that neither you or your partner lose their nerve and change your minds. So it's possible that your first few months aren't optimal for conception, it's even possible that you were recently actively trying to prevent it by using birth control.

The concern most couples have while trying to get pregnant on birth control is possible side effects on the pregnancy. The first thing to keep in mind is that every woman is different, and will react differently to different medication. For some women, it can can take months or years to figure out what the right dose of birth control to take, so there's no way to give information that's correct for everyone. This is why it's best to understand your own body, and how the birth control you are taking effects your body. For some women, it's very visible, like it causes acne, bloating or other physical effects. For others it's more subtle, making you irritable or grouchy. Knowing your own body will help.

But how do you get pregnant while on birth control? Most doctors recommend using the birth control pill in conjunction with other methods of contraception. If you have multiple partners, an active form of control, like condoms, is generally a good idea. Not only will condoms prevent pregnancy, but they will also prevent disease. If you are only interested in pregnancy, doctors will often recommend an IUD, such as a Ring or Diaphragm, that will help keep most of the semen out of the conception area, while the birth control pill takes care of the rest.

What's implied in this statement is that you can get pregnant while just on a birth control pill, otherwise, there'd be little need to suggest a secondary form of control. If you find yourself pregnant, even though you were taking something to prevent it, you should seek your doctor. Make sure you know what you were taking, and how it was affecting you. Armed with both, you should be able to figure out if there is anything to worry about.

information about pregnancy


Pregnancy Test and Birth Control.(information about pregnancy)

information about pregnancy

If you had an intercourse and suspect that you are pregnant then there are ways to know the actual situation by a Pregnancy Test. A Pregnancy Test checks for a special hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), in the urine or the blood. Its presence in the urine or blood indicates that the woman is pregnant. The hormone is also called the pregnancy hormone.

There are two types of pregnancy test, out of which one tests the blood and the other checks the urine for the pregnancy hormone. If you want to check it at home you can do a urine test at home. But if you want to have your blood tested then you have to visit the doctor.

These days' women do the Test at home as they are inexpensive, private and easy to use. Urine tests tell you in about 2 weeks after ovulation if you are pregnant. While some urine claims that they can tell about the pregnancy just in a day if you are pregnant as early as one day after the missed period.

The Home pregnancy test can be accurate if they are used properly. If the kits are used according to the directions and if the expiry date is checked they turn out to be accurate. You should also know how to use them and when to you use them.

Birth control as we all know is a method to prevent pregnancy. It helps you to decide when to have a child. There are different forms of birth controls. Each has its own pros and cons. It is necessary to know about all the methods that prevent you from being pregnant and at the same time giving you protection. These methods are used before you have sex. But when you have sex and come to know that you are pregnant then Emergency Pills can help you prevent pregnancy even after the sexual intercourse. They help you when an alternative birth control method fails to prevent pregnancy.

Pregnancy can be prevented even after the intercourse by taking the Emergency Contraceptives pills (EC). These pills give the body a short high, bursts of synthetic that disrupts hormone patterns needed for pregnancy. EC is used within 120 hours after the intercourse and is most effective within 24 hours. This is not an abortion pill. It does not let your pregnancy go away if you are already pregnant.

The pill is also known as the "Morning After" pill or as post-coital contraception, the emergency pill works within three days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. The levels of progestin are higher than other birth control pills in Emergency Pills.
Although the Emergency pills prevent pregnancy up to 75% they do not protect against the reproductive tract infection and HIV/AIDS. The emergency pill is not effective if it is taken more than three days. The sooner it is taken the more effective it is.

Estrogen- containing EC is safe for women but the hormones can increase the risk for developing blood clots. Emergency Contraceptives reduce the likelihood of becoming pregnant but do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

information about pregnancy


Ways Of Birth Control After Pregnancy.(information about pregnancy)

information about pregnancy

Practicing birth control immediately after your pregnancy period is a good idea if you want to lead a healthy life and have a happy family. It is important that you continue being on the alert once your pregnancy gets over. There are various ways of birth control to opt from but it is best to read journals, magazines, websites etc. and gather as much information as you can before you decide the method most effective for you.

It is normal for a woman to not feel sexually inclined soon after her pregnancy period. Nonetheless, the vagina heals within two weeks of giving birth putting you at the risk of becoming pregnant while still nursing. Beware of this when getting involved in sex after pregnancy. You must avoid getting pregnant at such an early stage which can be done by exercising birth control while breastfeeding. This method of birth control after pregnancy is called the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) and is said to be helpful in postponing fertility simply by feeding your baby. Following are the conditions required for this method to work:

  • You have to feed your baby from both breasts every four hours during the day and every six hours during the night

  • You must not have had a period since your child's birth

  • You can use this method only for six months from your baby's birth

    There are other methods of controlling birth after pregnancy that you can choose from while you are still nursing. Two of them are:

  • Barrier Methods

  • IUDs: IntraUterine Devices
  • Barrier methods of birth control post pregnancy include condoms, female condoms, and sponges and help in making sex after pregnancy safe. Some are even spermicidal. Spermicidal methods should be used only when the vagina has healed completely. Prescription barrier methods like diaphragms, cervical caps, and shields require waiting for six to eight weeks after delivery. While using IUDs is a method of birth control while breastfeeding that will not have any change on your breast milk, thus neither on your infant. You cannot conceive as long as an IUD is inserted in you by a professional. Wearing a ring, using a patch and taking a combination of hormonal treatment are best avoided while you are in the process of feeding your baby.

    Another method of birth control after pregnancy is to be aware of your menstrual cycle after pregnancy and refrain from sex on days that are "unsafe". Once you have had your first period post delivery, you can keep a track of your fertility with the aid of a doctor and avoid sex on the days your body is more receptive to sperms.

    The above mentioned methods are used before intercourse. But once you have had sex and a pregnancy kit tests you positive, you can turn to the Emergency Contraceptive pill for an urgent rescue! It can be used within 120 hours of intercourse but the sooner it is used, the better. Even if it does seem like the last resort, it is effective in birth control after pregnancy.

    information about pregnancy


    Tuesday, June 1, 2010

    40 Weeks Of Pregnancy Information - An Overview In The Form Of A Week By Week Guide.(information about pregnancy)

    information about pregnancy

    Week by week pregnancy information is necessary and such information helps the would-be mothers and her partner to cope with this exciting period of their life. There are many anxieties and issues a would-be mother confronts during the pregnancy cycle and a few weeks beyond that. If the women have week by week information related to all aspects of pregnancy, the pregnant woman and her family is aware about the various physical and emotional changes that are expected during the stipulated time frame.

    Pregnancy Calculator Week By Week

    The pregnancy calculation, for the above-mentioned purposes, is done such that the pregnancy weeks are counted from the first day of LMP i.e. the Last Menstrual Period. Therefore, as per this calculation procedure, in the first two weeks of pregnancy, there actually is no pregnancy. The eggs do not fertilize till about two weeks and the baby is therefore actually expected within 38 weeks of fertilization.

    Stages Of Pregnancy

    The 40 weeks of pregnancy are divided into three stages viz., first trimester pregnancy, second trimester pregnancy and third trimester pregnancy. The first trimester includes weeks 1 to 12, the second section includes weeks 13 to 26 and the last trimester stretches form week 27 to the day of delivery, which is approximately around week 40. The maximum a pregnancy period could stretch is week 42.

    All 3 sections of the pregnancy wheel are divided keeping in view the specific characteristics shared by the weeks. The first few weeks, for example are considered as extremely sensitive and therefore are marked as high-risk weeks. The second trimester charts out the baby's development in a spectacular way. The third trimester, besides continuing to provide information about the baby's development, also prominently includes the drastic changes the mother's body undergoes in an attempt to prepare for final pregnancy delivery.

    Expected Pregnancy Due Date

    There is no precise pregnancy calculator that can perhaps chart out the exact pregnancy due date. All that pregnancy due date calculators can do is possibly generate an expected date of delivery and in only very few instances is this pregnancy due date correct. There are various circumstantial factors affecting pregnancy birth and even the most learned of health care practitioners would not predict any specific date.

    The Overall Structure Of Weekly Pregnancy Information

    The ideal week-by-week pregnancy information or guide should cover the entire 40 weeks and each week should enumerate the minutest development the baby undergoes. The information further should include the changes mothers experience and the way their body transforms to give birth to a newborn. The 40 weeks of pregnancy further touch upon various pregnancy and childbirth related issues like, what kind of maternity clothes to buy, pregnancy exercise, baby shower favors, early pregnancy symptoms, how to get rid of stretch marks, etc. Concisely a good week-by-week pregnancy guide should encapsulate all that your pregnancy puts you through.

    information about pregnancy


    5 Signs of Early Pregnancy Symptoms.(information about pregnancy)

    information about pregnancy

    Pregnancy is the period many women feel the changes in their body. Nine months of pregnancy will be the best experience in your life. Here are the early symptoms during pregnancy.

    Strange cravings

    It is one of the most common symptoms for pregnant women. If you happen to have this symptom it is wise if you keep in tract with food. Eat variety foods will help to minimize the symptom.

    Stretch mark

    50 % - 90% appeared on pregnant women in the later half pregnancy. It is like small depression in skin. For the fair skin it tends to pinkish while for dark skin women they will tends to lighter than the surrounding. It's not hurt but it will feel itchy.


    Some of the women will the face will be oilier and susceptible acne breaks out as the change of hormone. If you are afraid with this ensure that you drink plenty of water, wash you face and avoid things that can caused it breaks.

    Spider Vein

    It is the most afraid of during pregnancy as it will appear on face, neck, arms and legs. It is because an increase estrogen level in your body. Spider vein is slightly blue and do not turn white in pressure.

    Mask of pregnancy

    Most pregnant women will experience this in the beginning fourth and fifth month of pregnancy. Pigmentation will occur over the nose, cheek and forehead of expecting mom. It will fade after birth.

    information about pregnancy


    Overcome The Symptoms In The First Trimester Of Your Pregnancy.(information about pregnancy)

    information about pregnancy

    Surprised with the outcome, you abruptly told your husband about this news soon after having a home pregnancy test in one early morning. Afterward, both of you were so contented that you hugged each other for minutes while tears were dropping on your cheek.

    All the emotions of joy, fear, amazement and acceptance, assembled within you. There was no exact word to describe the feeling.

    Now you should prepare yourself for the next huge things. The upcoming nine months will be more thrilling than before. You'll experience unexpected, remarkable changes in your body.

    In general, pregnancy is divided into three trimesters. Each one has its own nature.

    Take a look at the general symptoms you may have in the first trimester of your pregnancy - a crucial time when you should be careful with your fetus. Also, the tips given will hopefully help you go through this wonderful journey. Enjoy.

    1. Morning sickness - Nausea and vomiting are two common symptoms of early pregnancy. Hot drinks, crackers, and fresh fruits are great choices for relieving them.

    2. Frequent urination - The growing of uterus causes some pressure on your bladder. You'll be going to the restroom more often.

    3. Tender breasts - The increasing hormone lets your breasts become more sensitive, fuller and heavier than usual. This time you may replace your bra with a more comfortable one.

    4. Uncommon Exhaustion - Don't push yourself by working too hard. Try to get some rests whenever you feel fatigue.

    5. Increased craving - Acquire nutritious and balanced food intake. Make sure you and your baby are well nourished.

    6. Bad moods - The change of hormones in your body causes your moods to switch as well. Mild exercises can help your moods. Moreover, just think that it's a preliminary change and challenge you'll have before and after your baby arrives.

    Some of you may not recognize that you're pregnant until it reaches five to six weeks from your last period. But soon when you find it out, it's best to think which health care provider you'll go to for a routine check-up.

    Ask your pregnancy condition to your obgyn. Some of the congenital abnormalities may be observed at the end of the third month of pregnancy by a USG examination. Consult with him when unexpected things occur.

    Read also lots of information about pregnancy. Knowing what happens in your uterus - and your pregnancy in general - will make you feel safe and comfy.

    Most of all, enjoy your bigger size. It's an amazing experience you'll never forget in your life.

    information about pregnancy


    Pregnancy Labor - Some Quick Facts.(information about pregnancy)

    information about pregnancy

    Most women feel restless around their due date of delivery and wish for pregnancy labor to begin soon. There are many natural methods of inducing labor. Intercourse is recommended as one. Research has shown that the prostaglandins in the semen catalyze the process to induce labor. Other methods and ways of inducing labor are power walking, eating spicy food, consuming pineapple, nipple stimulation, castor oil or an enema. However, it is advisable to discuss with your doctor the method you want to use before taking the final decision.

    The Physical Experience Of Pregnancy Labor

    A woman's due date for pregnancy delivery is fixed at 40 weeks after her last menstrual period. Normally delivery of the baby can take place two weeks before or after the due date. When near the due date, the woman experiences strong contractions, lasting for five minutes and occurring five minutes apart. This is the indication that labor has begun. In the first stage of labor that is the longest, the cervix dilates to cause the water bag to burst. At the bursting, prostaglandins are released, thereby making the contractions stronger and regular. This leads to the second stage when the cervix adequately dilates and the pushing begins. In the third stage of labor, the placenta comes out fully from the body and the baby is born. Some women opt for an epidural to avoid the pain during pregnancy labor; but it is advisable to make an informed choice about epidurals.

    Empowering Factors For Pregnancy Labor

    A joyous pregnancy labor can be facilitated through regular chiropractic care, pregnancy yoga classes, high quality vitamins, folic acid and natural iron, etc. In many cases, women opt for a midwife instead of a pregnancy doctor and hire a doula to guide them through the process of labor and birth. Keeping a positive attitude throughout the child birth process is most important of all. Believing that your body is capable of wonders and that you are strong enough to do it can facilitate the process of pregnancy labor and of giving birth. One woman says, "I was not scared at all. I knew in my heart of hearts that pregnancy is a healthy state of being, and that my body would know exactly what to do when the time came. And it did!"

    You can build a positive attitude by being receptive to information about pregnancy and childbirth. Knowledge in every case has been known to be the source of power, insight and preparedness. In addition, the emotional support to the pregnant woman from her loved ones and/or the doula makes pregnancy labor a rewarding experience, despite the physical pain.

    Pregnancy labor is the indication of the fact that pregnancy delivery is just around the corner. Many women dread labor because of the pain they might have to undergo.

    However, if you consult your pregnancy doctor and follow the doctor’s advice, the entire process of pregnancy and childbirth will become a rewarding experience.

    information about pregnancy


    Pregnancy Calendar And The Stages During Pregnancy.(information about pregnancy)

    information about pregnancy

    A pregnancy calendar can be a useful guide to learn about what is exactly happening inside your body at a particular time. There are many useful pregnancy websites online that provide accurate information regarding the stages during pregnancy and the corresponding development of the baby.

    Pregnancy calendar can provide essential information regarding the pregnancy diet, i.e. what a woman should include in her diet and what she should avoid. It can alert the woman about the dangers of eating raw uncooked meat, un-pasteurized cheese and help her realize the importance of eating a nutritious balanced meals at regular and fixed intervals for maintaining her health and for the proper growth and development of her baby.

    Some Common Doubts Regarding Pregnancy

    Pregnancy can be a time when unnecessary doubts cloud our mind and at such times it can be helpful if we could look up interesting websites that offer accurate and in-depth information regarding pregnancy and its various issues. Pregnancy faq can help clear our doubts, alert us on issues that we should watch out for and take action in time. It will help the expectant mother develop and follow a lifestyle that will ensure a happy and healthy pregnancy. It will help them realize the dangers of drinking alcohol, doing drugs and smoking. It can otherwise lead to fetal alcohol syndrome, birth defects, low birth weight babies, preterm labor and other pregnancy complications. It can alert them to talk to their physician about any medication that they are taking and if it is safe to continue taking them etc. Going through pregnancy questions may also help them to learn about the importance of including folic acid and other essential vitamins in their diet. The women usually gain 20-25 pounds which is considered healthy for an average sized woman and a pregnancy calendar can be of great help.

    Pregnancy calendar can also help clear any doubts regarding the stages during pregnancy and the health of the baby. Another doubt that many pregnant women have is regarding exercise and it is recommended that they seek counseling from their physicians as healthy pregnant women usually lead normal lives whereas those with pregnancy complications may need to take certain precautions. Some expectant mothers wonder if they can have sex while being pregnant and if it is safe, here again it depends on the woman's physical condition and if the pregnancy is risk free, if women have spotting or bleeding they may have to restrict their sexual activity.

    Some women worry about the changes to their genitals, but with laser Labiaplasty and other such cosmetic surgeries being performed, they need not fear and can just relax and enjoy their pregnancy. Some couples are curious to learn how soon after delivery they can have sex and what kind of contraceptive they may need to use. Most couples can have sex after a few weeks or about 3 months after a C section. Contraceptive methods after delivery include pills, condoms, injections, hormone implants, intrauterine devices, diaphragms, sterilization, and family planning {which may not always work}.

    Websites that provide information about pregnancy calendar and that can answer the pregnancy questions accurately can help make the process of pregnancy an enjoyable experience.

    Pregnancy calendar can be useful in learning about what to expect during the various stages of pregnancy and websites with pregnancy FAQs can help clear doubts and relieve tension. A pregnancy calendar also helps to determine the baby stage during pregnancy and to ascertain if there is any possibility of pregnancy complications. Visit pregnancy to get more information on all aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.

    information about pregnancy


    Knowing About Pregnancy Symptoms.(information about pregnancy)

    information about pregnancy

    If you know about pregnancy symptoms, you will be easy to handle of this period. Knowing the symptoms will give you lesson about the pregnancy time so you could avoid the worst thing that may happen to you and your unborn baby.

    Here, you will see some symptoms which happen in pregnancy time. You need to check this information and learn it whether you get the period of pregnancy or not.

    The most common symptom and indication of pregnancy time is missing the period. But, there are some conditions which cause the missing period such as illness, stress and weight fluctuations, etc. If you get the missing period, it is better for you to examine in order to know whether you are pregnant or not.

    Another symptom that you must know is the change in the size and feel of the breast immediately after the conception. Your breasts will start to enlarge to get ready for breast feeding. Also, the breast will be sensitive and they experience a very sharp and twinkling sensation.

    Nausea and vomiting are also common symptoms that may happen if you get the pregnancy period. They are known as morning sickness which usually happens in most women from the fifth and sixth week of the pregnancy. In general, this symptom could disappear after period of 3 to 4 months.

    Also, many women state that frequent urination is another common symptom in pregnancy time in 2-3 weeks after consumption due to the reduction in the size of the bladder. Drastic change in the smell and taste is also factor resulting in craving for particular foods and start hating certain other types of food.

    All of them are normal things that you may experience. To get the best solution, it is better for you to see your doctor.

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    information about pregnancy
